Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Message to Dave Stangis Head CSR Intel

The below is a copy of my mail to Dave Stangis who is the head of CSR at Intel. Being from Asia i give him my suggestion on how he can promote Intel while developing Asia, India.
To Mr.Arun Madhavan, Chairman Vyakti Vikas Kendra Chennai

To Mr.Dave Stangis, Head Corporate Social Responsibility Intel,

I am Krishna from Bangalore, India where Intel has a base know as IIDC. Now Intel is pretty good on the CSR work it does & its doing it in India by providing laptops to students of class 3 asking them to charge it for 3hrs a day this is I regret to inform but going the wrong way for students of age 5 hardly need a laptop nor know anything about the technology that goes into the making of one.

Sir I have a idea that can be implemented either in India alone or in Asia as a region under the head of CSR but will help improve the
1] Sales
2] Promotion: Marketing & Publicity
3] Talented man power
4] New Clients & Partnerships {Globally + Indian/ Asia restricted}
5] Promotion of specific area in Intel like Graphics, Launches, Entertainment

Sir being from & in India I will 1st give the idea that can be used under CSR in India to promote & achieve all the above mentioned. Sir I will also use only the methods & are in which Intel are active in CSR hence the 1st & foremost is the sector of Education. In India all the NGO & Corporate are concentrated upon Rural & Schooling education alone so far Intel has also walked only on that path but I say that the progress can be achieved when Technical Education is promoted for here is the level when students realize their responsibilities, are more mobile & the place where venture & innovations take place. Also helping to promote Technical education creates a man power that can be utilized by Intel in India in Asia.

Here is how it can be launched:-
1] in India the best university for technical education is the IIT & IISc both with very few intake of students when compared to the vast population off India. Also they have the most difficult exam called the IIT-JEE & clearing of this only is the student allowed to join the IIT or IISc.
My suggestion is that Intel call all student who have completed their 12 or 12th equivalent in year 2004-05 & have attempted the IIT-JEE, the proof of which can be their performance card or the registration brochure. These students will already have a engineering background as they will now be in their 2nd year of technical education.

These students can then be given a 3 months coaching & inducted into the 2nd year in the course of their choice in the IIT`s & IISc. Here it also be made clear that a student hailing from a place which has a IIT will be allowed to join only that IIT {eg: Delhi has a IIT hence a student from Delhi can only join any of the course offered in IIT-Delhi while a student from a place which does not have a IIT eg: Bangalore will be allowed to choose from any course thought at the IIT but will join in the IIIT however if it’s a course like Aerospace which is not offered by the IIIT then the student will join IISc} this so that majority of the students will be localities & will be day scholars at the institute however will pay the hostel fee too. It also be made clear that their accommodation & commuting is solely the responsibility of the student & not that of the IIT, IIIT, IISc or Intel.

Now Intel can provide latest gadgets to these students at a 0% loan so they can pay in easy installments. The gadgets offered can be Laptops {best configuration}, Apple i-pods, Digital Camera, Camcorders, Mobile & i-pad from i-ball. The student can be allowed to select the model from the range of models offered by Intel, this will not be a problem as Intel will recover the money back from the students.

A Strong Body for a Strong Mind:-
In Asia most of the people have a desire for a taller structure so a small partnership with can be done & this can be enhanced by teaching the students Sri Sri Yoga of Art of Living also discourse by Sri Sri Ravishankar {Noble peace prize nominee} & regular 1 to 1 interactions with the students in Bangalore where he is will go a long way in the development of these students. During this time the students can also be taught to cycle, biking & car driving. The whole above package can be placed at a sum of Rs.50,000 per student & can also be added in the loan amount towards the students.

This is the age of young innovators in India hence these students can be provided with a database like that of linkdell so that they can provide their ideas to any entrepreneur be it Sir Richard Branson or N.R.Murthy but under the condition that there should be some manner in which the name Intel is promoted or a relationship in the nature of client or partnership. Now the contact info {personal email id, fax number & mobile/ lan number} of a Indian can be slotted at Rs.10,000 while that of a non-indian can be of Rs.15,000 which the student will have to pay to Intel.

Growth of Intel in the Community:- MULTIPY YOUR POSSIBILITIES
A survey can be done during the 1st week of this idea itself of the neighborhood of the students covering shops, houses, office, nursing places, hospitals, schools & all. The survey can consists of 2 parts, 1 general to all members of the office/ house & the other individual. The general part can consist a list of gadgets that they have & if it has a Intel base to it while the individual part can contain details like:- name, age, date of birth, native, education, job, e-mail id, mobile number & photo. A copy of this can be provided to the student who is a part of the idea launched by Intel as he/ she will be the community contact of Intel & get survey for Intel or promote Intel products in his neighborhood. This so for people are more comfortable when they receive emails forwards by friends then by a organization also mouth to mouth is the best form of promotion even today & by knowing the native the student can help Intel in gathering a market in that place to be it a rural area. After all Intel is marketed in India with the tag line MULTIPY YOUR POSSIBILITIES.

Here is how the 3 month coaching schedule can be:- A set of 5 books in each subject of the 2 subjects like Math & Physics for a student joining Aerospace can be given that will range from the class 6 portion of CBSE standard in India to the class 12th portion. After usage the books can be distributed among to top 5 schools in each region & can carry a Intel company profile on 1 cover & AIDS awareness message on the other cover.
1st month : Students can be arranged a pick up & drop service {car pool at a nominal cost for the students} to a common place where exercise for body development can be given, this can be done in a place like the cricket ground in Bangalore as even the usage of its gym can be done. It can start at 5 am & go till 8 am so that the students will get 1hr for grow tall, 1 hr for Sri Sri Yoga & 1hr in the gym {this is not compulsory so there be no must attendance for the students but only those joining be allowed the interaction with Sri Sri Ravishankar of Art of Living}
2nd & 3rd month : the 1st month routine + a weekly 3 day class arranged at a nominal cost in Engineering Graphics & Vedic Math {by Art of Living} the students can be given a set of books of the 1st year portion of their choice of course at the IIT & IISc. During this time the students who have joined the 1st phase of coaching & are interested be taught how to cycle, ride bikes & car driving for this will make them independent & eradicate any commuting problem that might arise when they join the IIT, IISc.

Since the IIT & IISc allow students to read at their own progress the students can be asked to finish their course in a span of 2 years as they already have a engineering background. The above mentioned gadgets can be given to the student at the start of the 2nd month while the 1 set of books be given immediately & the 2nd set at the start of the 2nd month.

Advantage for Intel from the Idea:-
1] Pockets in the society where Intel will have local contacts & know the need of
common man.
2] Intel will be used in the best universities in India by teachers & students & know there
current needs
3] Talent pool consisting of the best brains from the best universities in India
4] new Ventures will generate new clients & partners for the growth of Intel
5] Goodwill & public promotion of Intel

Sir when I have suggested the above idea please be assured of 1 partnership of global stature which will help Intel in its gaming, graphics, launch & entertainment division. Please fell free to contact me at for any doubts in my idea to enable smooth & quick implementation. As you can see from the above this CSR is a sort of sponsorship wherein Intel does not spend anything but stands to gain a lot. Here I will also add that these students be allowed to refer their friends & relatives globally for Intel as I read that 31% of Intel employee are referred. However if the IIT & IISc refuse to Intel which no one will as the name Intel will bring global reorganization to the universities then the students can be made to join likes MIT, Stanford in the US as 3 months is ample time for the visa to be made especially when its through Intel, also my global plan for this in Asia will give a global status to IIT & IISc universities & eradicate any chance of their refusal to go along with this idea.


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